What is Parkside Students?
We're part of a community The mission of Parkside Students is exactly the same as the church, to build bridges between people and Jesus. We believe that student's don't have to wait until adulthood to discover and live out their purpose. We want to come along side 6th -12th grade students and inspire them to be bridge builders who live and love like Jesus.

Small Groups
Whether students are far from God or passionately seeking Him, our prayer is that Parkside Students would be a place that inspires them to live and love like Jesus. Students connect in small groups where they feel safe to ask questions and reveal their true self. Adult leaders facilitate this time of discussion and prayer. Every student should have a trusted adult who listens as well as encourages and supports the role of parents.
Small Groups meet the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month from 6:30p to 8p at 169 Marbella Cir., GVL
Follow us on Instagram for the latest updates. @parksidestudentsgvl